Image by Perseverance 2020 from NASA
The pandemic has confirmed, what most of us already knew, our social, human, economic and political systems are failing us. That’s why we created KADIMA village Unlearning Lab. A catalyst to shift how to think in order to transform what to do. KADIMA chat is one way to get started. A friendly and informal conversation thought starter to inspire, engage, and nudge us, who are on a journey leading the possible rather than managing the probable. Each KADIMA chat is meant to inspire a shift in how to think about the world. To turn challenges and even failures into opportunities. Let’s get started…
Do you think NASA’s forward thinkers foretold the 2020 world disruption when they named its 2020 Mars exploration mission and rover – ‘Perseverance’??
It’s the perfect name for an unknown journey. It’s perseverance that gets us to Mars or on the other side of a pandemic.
When ideas, plans and experiments don’t go as planned.
When people shut off their listening and minds to another way to think and do things.
When living in a society where people, who disagree with you, can threaten one another into submission.
Perseverance is what an unorthodox, nonconformist, and independent-minded person or as we like to call this group and ourselves – catalysts – have in abundance!
Are you a catalyst with the perseverance to get on the other side of this virus? How are you doing it?
Let’s not waste this pandemic. Let’s move from managing the probable to leading the possible. Let’s build a world of tomorrow today. You in??