It was 1993. Two couples were standing on a street corner in Los Cabos debating. I would later learn the passionate discussion was about something I said during their orientation that morning. They couldn’t agree whether a restaurant was on the dining list mentioned.
As a young(er) first time business owner, it hit me – I have a responsibility. It’s not that I didn’t know that before. I did. I do. What crystallised for me, in my role – as a conveyor of information – I had a social and human responsibility to ensure what I say, no matter how significant or not the information is, it matters to people. Therefore, I needed to provide enough framework for people to understand the overview (context). And I needed to be aware how what I am implying could be interpreted (subtext).
We live in a world with access to a plethora of communication devices and platforms, where everyone’s voice can be and is heard. Where ideas and, at times, ‘pesky’ opinions and even outright lies are openly shared by anyone.
My aim, with every Mindset Is Everything Insights, Tips, and Observations is to always offer greater depth to another way to think. To inspire you to shift your mindset, that in turn, helps to transform what you, as stakeholders and organisations.
Allow me to share a few Unlearning Tips of how to shift mindsets, using current examples, and how it can help you navigate the pandemic rather than meander your way through it.
Observation #1: Recently I heard the term – ‘temporary marketplace’. It was being used to describe today’s marketplace and how salespeople ‘should’ think about it and approach it. While some tips offered to manage the situation included – understand where potential clients are right now, and think differently – are helpful (context); the term itself is not. It can be interpreted to mean, to operate under today’s marketplace circumstances, what you do is well…temporary (subtext). The potential to shift your mindset is lowered because the word temporary implies the circumstances, you’re in right now, won’t last. While somewhat true…not that helpful.
Let’s dig deeper. If the market, right now, is only a placeholder until things revert, then why bother to think differently?? What happens when we wrangle Covid19 (and we will) and discover things are not the same (most likely) as they were pre-pandemic??
Unlearning Tip #1: Another way to think would be to ask – ‘how to we think’ about this marketplace?? Is it an opportunity to think about it as a ‘transformative marketplace’?? Do we think we have the power to transform what to do or be something else that could withstand a similar pandemic??
By simply choosing to lead with – how do we think?? – you start to shift your mindset to think about other expectations and priorities you weren’t aware you had.
Observation #2: Right across the country there is much confusion surrounding how to handle Covid19 and support the economy at the same time. It's becoming clear that the present format and approach is not working because coronavirus case numbers are increasing exponentially daily. Latest virus modelling projects that Ontario alone (Canada’s economic engine) could see upwards of 6,000 cases daily by mid-December.
Unlearning Tip #2: Form two teams. Team #1: To manage Covid19; and Team #2: To manage the economy. Like business there needs to be one team to focus on ‘working in’ Covid19, while Team #2 focuses on thinking about how might we transform to post Covid19 and another kind of normal and market??
Be transparent, open minded, and maintain ongoing open communication. This provides everyone with a sense of ‘being safe’, in the form of sharing exactly what one thinks. Both Teams must believe they’re rowing in the same direction towards mutual value outcomes, even though their starting point is not the same.
Insights: If you are not aware you are operating in the right mindset for the opportunities and challenges before you, then your language (the words you use) are inadequate; the decisions are not optimal; and the transformation remains unclear. How we think and realising that each of has a social and human responsibility, determines actions taken and results achieved. Full stop.
Last Word: When was the last time you asked - How do we think about this??
Susan Radojevic…Founder of KADIMA village | Make Canada A Leader In Innovation | Prisoner of Hope. Follow Susan on Twitter @SusanRadojevic
About KADIMA village…
‘Kadima’ is the Hebrew word meaning ‘forward’. KADIMA village is a catalyst to make Canada a leader in innovation. Our goal is to help private, public, and social enterprises, manage uncertainty, obtain clarity, and make optimal decisions to stay resilient and grow sustainably. Follow us @KADIMAvillage.